There are many factors that can make Tinnitus worse. These factors include but are not limited to:
– Stress
– Medication side effects
– Intense noise exposure
– Dietary considerations – (Excessive amounts of):
– caffeine
– nicotine
– alcohol
– sodium
– aspirin
Although hearing aids are not designed to have an effect on Tinnitus, many patients have noticed a marked difference in the volume and duration of Tinnitus by using hearing aids. For further information visit: www.ata.org
We are your local resource for Tinnitus counseling; stop by to find out how we can help.
Contact Us
Call or Email Us. We Are Here For You!
If you have questions about hearing loss, need council on what to do next, or think your hearing abilities may be going away, please reach out to us today so we can get you living a normal life as soon as possible.
Michigan Locations:
Portland: (517) 647-HEAR (4327)
Perry: (517) 655.2EAR (2327)